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United States Supreme Court

Justice Kagan: Disagreements Aside, Justices Are Friends

Echoing similar recent comments by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Justice Elena Kagan told an audience in Kentucky that '"We disagree, but then we put things aside and come back the next day, fresh,'" the Lexington Herald-Leader reported. Kagan said she has even gone hunting for quail, pheasant and antelope and traveled out West with Justice Antonin Scalia, who is conservative in his jurisprudence while Kagan is liberal in her jurisprudence.

Justice Ginsburg:Bitter Legal Disputes Don't Translate Into Personal Acrimony

US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was at Stanford for Constitution Day, where she said this last term's "heady and hefty" decisions on same-sex marriage and voting rights and other matters brought sharp dissents. But, according to the  Stanford Report, Ginsburg said: "What holds us together is that we revere the institution for which we work," Ginsburg said. "We know that we must maintain a high level of collegiality."

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